From left: Hilman ‘scoleyx’ Shaiful , Tuan Atiff ‘fLameshot’ Abdullah, Harith “JACC” Asmady, Daryl “Dzzzz” Keith, Bahari Haris ‘hAwky!’ Mazlan
MBT Welcomes CS:GO Team, NAGA
MBT is ecstatic to officially announce our new CS:GO team, NAGA. The NAGA team has been one of the legends in the Sudden Attack scene in SEA from the birth in 2008 and was competing in CS:GO towards 2015-2016, winning a number of tournaments.
It’s been an exciting year of PUBG for us at MBT and we decided to re-enter Counter Strike: Global Offensive competitively, by reviving the NAGA team roster with sponsorship support and resources in order to thrive in the MY/SEA CS:GO scene once againAchievements
Counter Strike: Global Offensive
Orange MY CS:GO Audition Cup 2016 – 2nd
Selangor Cyber Games 2016 – 3rd Runner Up
AGES 2016 Malaysia Open – 2nd
Selangor Cyber Games 2015 – 2nd
Malaysia Cyber Games 2015 – 2nd
BenQ GrandFinals CS:GO Malaysia Cup 2015 – 3rd“Is Scoleyx still around?”
Yes, he’s well and be flexing. He feels good to be back.
2009-2010 Sudden Attack, Top MY player, one of the best in SEA alongside teammates fLameshot and Kabale(now JACC)Champions of Sudden Attack Championship 2010 – Thailand
scoleyx, fLameShot, Kabale
MBT is a gaming organization officially established on 15th September 2006, by a group of aspiring Malaysian gamers originally focusing on the “Battlefield” franchise. With over a decade of experience, MBT has grown into a full-fledged community, run by working professionals and young adults, fueled by passion in gaming.
MBT is ushering into a new era focusing on creating a positive gaming community & providing opportunities to those who wish to strive further in competitive gaming or content creation.
Partners: Cooler Master, Emarque, ASUS Republic of Gamers, Nvidia